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A Network Analysis Tool to help identify structural gaps


InfraNodus is a web-based open source tool and method for generating insight from any text or discourse using text network analysis. The byline on the website states, 'Get an overview of any discourse, reveal the blind spots, enhance your perspective.' which, whilst accurate does little to summarise the potential of such a tool. Watching the introduction helps.

Its capabilities include representing any text as a network and identifying the most influential words in a discourse based on the terms' co-occurrence, providing text network visualization and analysis live as new data is added, offering discourse structure analysis to measure the level of bias in discourse and identify structural gaps in discourse, and being available via an API to be used in conjunction with other text mining and analysis software. The white paper, 'Generating Insight Using Text Network Analysis' concludes: 

'The tool is currently used by researchers, marketing professionals, students, lawyers, artists and activists worldwide (20000 users a year according to Google Analytics for the online version as of December 2018) and it became first available in its beta version in 2014. The range of its practical applications is quite diverse: text categorization, search engine optimization, measure of bias, sentiment analysis, computer-assisted research and creative writing'

It would seem that InfraNodus would be useful to examine a Tree of Thoughts style enquiry, which might be achievable via the API? Which ever type of enquiry is used, the ability to see the generated connections is a valuable insight. 

Other tools that I've come across for further analysis include ConceptMapAI. This tool provides users with a visual representation of their concepts, making it easy for them to understand complex relationships between different ideas. It would seem such tools complement the basic prompt interface well, and that a dashboard approach may soon be the user interface that gets the best usage out of such tools utilised together.


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