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Can We Build a Safe Superintelligence? Safe Superintelligence Inc. Raises Intriguing Questions


Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI) has burst onto the scene with a bold mission: to create the world's first safe superintelligence (SSI). Their (Ilya Sutskever, Daniel Gross, Daniel Levy) ambition is undeniable, but before we all sign up to join their "cracked team," let's delve deeper into the potential issues with their approach.

One of the most critical questions is defining "safe" superintelligence. What values would guide this powerful AI? How can we ensure it aligns with the complex and often contradictory desires of humanity?  After all, "safe" for one person might mean environmental protection, while another might prioritise economic growth, even if it harms the environment.  Finding universal values that a superintelligence could adhere to is a significant hurdle that SSI hasn't fully addressed.

Another potential pitfall lies in SSI's desire to rapidly advance capabilities while prioritising safety.  Imagine a Formula One car with a fantastic safety record – until the engine becomes so powerful that even the best brakes can't control it on a tight corner. Similarly, an incredibly powerful AI, even with built-in safety features, could be incredibly difficult to control or understand its decision-making process, potentially leading to catastrophic consequences.

SSI's laser focus on a single product – a safe superintelligence – could also be problematic. This approach might lead to tunnel vision, neglecting other crucial areas of AI safety research, such as preventing bias in AI algorithms or mitigating the risks of autonomous weapons systems.

Furthermore, their business model raises concerns. While they claim insulation from short-term pressures, it's unclear how they'll secure long-term funding and attract top talent without a clear commercial product roadmap.  Can secrecy and a lack of a clear financial incentive truly attract the best minds in the field?

Finally, the text emphasises a "lean, cracked team" working in secrecy.  While this might foster a certain level of innovation, a lack of transparency in research and development could raise ethical concerns and make it harder to assess potential risks and hold them accountable.

The question of superintelligence's arrival also needs discussion. Is it truly "within reach" as SSI claims? Misjudging the timeline could lead us woefully unprepared for a superintelligence that arrives sooner than anticipated. Additionally, limiting the team to the US and Israel might hinder the exchange of ideas and perspectives crucial for tackling a global challenge like AI safety.

Safe Superintelligence Inc. deserves credit for its ambition.  However, their approach raises questions about feasibility and potential risks. Open discussion and collaboration with the broader AI safety community will be crucial for their, and ultimately, humanity's, success. Only through honest conversations about defining universal values and navigating the ethical and technical complexities can we ensure that superintelligence, if and when it arrives, truly benefits humanity.


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