These are far from the only views commonly held by what I call tech-evangelists who always, always anthropomorphise technologies, which somewhat gives the game away.
Another common idea is that the AI 'singularity', a term borrowed from physics, is inevitable, the singularity in this usage is the concept that superintelligence is the event horizon that we can't peer beyond, when according to some, we will have created a superhuman or, as some call it, a 'God'.
Today I came across an excellent blog by Johannes Jäger that dives into this murky realm and who is, thankfully, not afraid to call out the elephant in the room of the Tech-evangelists. I encourage you to have a read, especially the post 'Machine Metaphysics and the Cult of Techno-Transcendentalism'.
I'm currently in my second week of blogging about AGI, and I know, I should have expected to come across the varied view points of tech-evangelists by this point. I'm still surprised though at the prelevance and the increasingly perverse worldviews held by those that wish to 'transform our lives.'
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