It's often the case that more sense is spoken in satire than in countless papers and column inches. A case in point is John Oliver summing up where we are at with the AI hype. It is a well paced piece, getting into the heart of the many issues faced after around 15 minutes. The TayTweets example was both funny and alarming, showing that AI can easily fall for populism/fascism. This is going to be an issue with alignment, as whose values will alignment actually embrace? Human values are still a contested topic, and will remain so, giving national interests. The three laws of robotics will not suffice.
'The right to human review of decisions made fully by computers should not be removed ‘while AI is still in its infancy’, the professional body for IT has warned. Regulation needs to go far beyond this.
I've noted that GPT5 is now going to be an incremental roll out, so by the end of this year, or early next year GPT 4.2, rather than 5 may be rolled out, giving rise to the '6 months freeze' as has been called for, in appearance at least. We should all know from experience that 6 months is akin to mere minutes given the pace of reactive legislation.
An added bonus, but this is about Sydney:
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