Upper Echelon LLC, the makers of this video, are a gaming company specializing in community development and event management. This video is refreshing and in the minority on YouTube currently, as it's programmers critiquing the industry of the AI industry. Zakrzeswski is a well known critic of games with his YouTube channel. He has said "I've thought about taking that edge off or thought about reducing the amount of flammable rhetoric or incendiary things that I say, but I don't see myself ever doing it."
On AutoGPT 'It simply can not operate at or near the average intelligence of a human being when it comes to creative thinking. But it can do quite a few simple things. For example AutoGPT agents which are being spun up all over the world, by basically anyone with a laptop and time on their hands now, can scrape the internet, cross reference information and write their own version of it in seconds."
"AutoGPT which is simply an assistant that spins up more AI assistants to do simple things is not actually a super power, not yet. Right now it's a mediocrity tool. It makes bad work, spammy content and heavily draws from existing material. And only existing material. With tons of errors and a disregard for truth or safety. How is that going to be used?"
Zakrzeswski concludes, "We should be a hell of a lot more nervous than we actually are."
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